The male checking out the boardwalk full of onlookers.
The female casting a reflection as she slides into the marsh.
The female feeding on a fish.
One of her pups noticed her eating and approached looking for a handout.
The pup nudged the her trying to get a bite of her fish.
After eating, the female reclined on an adjacent log and groomed herself by rubbing on the rough surface of the log.
I got a pleasant surprise when I downloaded this photo. I had not previously noticed the pup under the log behind the female.
The female spent a lot of time with the pup on the little island in the marsh.
Over a period of an hour or so, we watched the male climb up on the ice and eat two fish.
These otters are adorable but they have a mouth full of wicked looking teeth.
After eating, the male rested on the ice for a moment or two before diving back under the ice.