July 27. Female sitting on the eggs.

July 28. Green Heron pair with newly hatched chick.

July 29. Green Heron rolling an egg.

The male leaving the nest after delivering a meal.

Aug. 1. A rapidly growing Green Heron family.

Aug. 7. Feeding one of the four hungry chicks.

Aug. 10. Waiting for parents to bring food.

Aug. 22. Again, waiting to be fed.

Aug. 24. First flight for this fledgling. It made an awkward but safe landing across the pond.

June 21. Chicks from the first batch of the above pair start to spend more time outside the nest area.

June 24. Starting to be more confident about being in the open.

June 24. This little heron is branch hopping. An activity that lets them get used to their growing wings and strengthens their flight muscles.

June 29. The feeding of the chicks by the adult can sometimes be a violent event. The chick will clamp down on the adult beak to keep them from leaving. The other chick is trying to get down to be fed also. At this stage the chicks look like more like a dinosaurs than birds.

JULY 3. I think these fledglings may have been flying for a day or two but this is the first photo I was able to get of one flying.

July 4. A little heron learning to hunt and feed itself.

July 13. I was fortunate to see this fledgling nab a dragonfly from mid-air. They are quickly learning to feed themselves.