Tree Swallows sleeping perched above Beaver Marsh.

A pair of Eastern Phoebes, Beaver Marsh

A Willow Flycatcher perched above Beaver Marsh.

Red-tailed Hawk flying over the marsh area.

The wood chips fly when these woodpeckers go looking for grubs in a dead tree.

A flock of Black Duck flying over the frozen marsh.

Look closely at the frog’s head and you will see a mosquito taking advantage it being out of the marsh.

A beautiful male Pileated Woodpecker. I had wanted to get a photograph of one for 2 years, I’d seen them high in the trees or flying overhead but couldn’t get a photo of one. One morning I ventured down to Beaver Marsh and within 5 minutes on the trail I heard the pounding of a woodpecker. I turned around and there, no more than 15 feet behind me at eye level, was this big guy. I must have taken 50-60 photos and it paid me no mind at all.

Cedar Waxwing perched just above the towpath leading to Beaver Marsh.