Donna and I in front of Victoria Falls

We watched this leopard in a nearby tree feeding on a Warthog. When it needed a break, it climbed down and reset in some nearby tall grass.

Londolozi Game Reserve in So. Africa

A tiny Lilac-breasted roller perched in Botswana.

Our Pilatus turbojet landing on a road in Namibia.

A Cheeta relaxing in the Cheeta Rescue Fund’s compound in Namibia.

A profile of our lodge in Namibia in the sunset.

Donna in front of our Pilatus Turboprop that took us from So. Africa to Namibia, Botswana, Zambia, Zimbabwe, and back to So. Africa

During our trip, we all had a chance to sit in the copilot seat. Here is Donna enjoying here time up front.

An elephant crossing a shallow area of the Okavango Delta in Botswana.